Construction Defect site


When disputes arise regarding the construction of a building or property, documentation of the as-built condition of the facility is crucial.  This could involve using photographs, videos, infra-red imaging or even high-density scanning to determine the as-built condition.  We use our experience in the design and construction of facilities to evaluate the issues with the claim and provide sound engineering opinions regarding the construction defect claim.

We have performed a wide variety of construction defect investigations dealing with complex issues such as: improperly installed brick veneer, membrane roofing failure, improperly constructed concrete masonry, improper installation of temporary braces for nail-plated roof trusses and many others.

Because this area of expertise combines education with on-site experience, Dickson-Schaefer, Ltd. is well qualified to assist you in properly disposing the claim and finding a sound and reasonable defense for further actions.  At Dickson-Schaefer, Ltd., we pride ourselves in bringing our clients the experience, insight and education they need to make the best possible assessment of their construction defect situation.

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